Keysight APIX203 September 2015 – Keysight Technologies announced a new compliance application for characterizing and testing of APIX2 (Automotive Pixel Link) high-speed SerDes (serialiser/deserialiser) technology using the Keysight Infiniium Series oscilloscopes. Developed by Inova Semiconductors, APIX2 is a multi-channel technology for high-resolution in-car video applications. APIX2 can establish multiple display links with a bandwidth of up to 3Gbps, over two pairs of copper cables or a single QSTP cable, and supports HD video at 24 bit color depth.

Set-up of the application is straightforward, and it has an intuitive user interface with step-by-step configuration dialogs. Previously, testing APIX2 was a manual process that required a thorough study of the AN204 specification, and had a high potential for error. Now with the Keysight solution, testing and reporting is automated, providing quick results and ensuring repeatability across test runs. Significant savings in overall test time means faster time-to-market.

The Keysight APIX2 compliance application tests according to the AN204 Revision 1.1 specification, and simplifies the challenge of testing multiple configurations. Keysight used its expertise in compliance test and Infiniium Application Framework to develop the new application.

The Keysight APIX2 compliance application automates the following tests as specified in the AN204 Rev. 1.1 specification:

  • Downstream Transmitter at MP1 (RJ, PJ, ISI, DCD)
  • Downstream Transmitter at MP2 (Eye before ISI, ISI, Eye after ISI, TJ)
  • Upstream at MP4 (Eye diagram)

A report is generated that compares the results with the specified test limit and indicates how closely the device passes or fails each test. For maximum flexibility, engineers can add extra tests.