Did you know?

In 2017 Tektronix introduced the FlexChannel technology for its 5 Series oscilloscopes. Each channel can be used either as one analog or as 8 digital channels. Read more...



 Latest Oscilloscope News

Some oscilloscopes offer additional functions such as waveform generator, spectrum analyzer, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, digital voltmeter and counter. Read more...


There are many oscilloscope manufacturers in the market. We are listing about 40 of them offering oscilloscopes with a bandwith of at least 100MHz. Read more...


The vertical resolution of a conventional oscilloscope is only 8 bits which equals 256 steps. If you need to see more details look for a scopes with a resolution of 12 bit (i.e. 4,096 steps). Read more...







 Oscilloscope Basics

Digitizer and Oscilloscope - Equal Alternatives?

Spectrum digitizer as an alternative to an oscilloscopeCan a digitizer be used as an oscilloscope? What is the difference between an oscilloscope and a digitizer? Should I better use a digitizer or an oscilloscope in my next application? These are interesting questions and the best way to start to answer these is the look up the dictionary definition of an oscilloscope: "An electronic instrument used to measure changing electric voltages. It displays the waveforms of electric oscillations on a screen."

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 Oscilloscope Background

Oscilloscope History and Milestones

LeCroy oscilloscope WD2000Oscilloscopes have been invented in the 1920s. Up to now this instrument encountered many innovations.  In the beginning the most important manufacturers have been General Radio, DuMont, General Electric and Radio Corporation of America. Later Cossor and later Solartron dominated the market. Today the main players are Keysight, Tektronix and Teledyne LeCroy. Below we listed some important oscilloscope milestones.

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