Did you know?

The sampling technology was invented by Hewlett-Packard (HP). The first product was launched in 1960, the HP 185A with a bandwidth of 500 MHz. Read more...



 Latest Oscilloscope News

There are many oscilloscope manufacturers in the market. We are listing about 40 of them offering oscilloscopes with a bandwith of at least 100MHz. Read more...







 Oscilloscope Basics

Digitizer and Oscilloscope - Equal Alternatives?

Spectrum digitizer as an alternative to an oscilloscopeCan a digitizer be used as an oscilloscope? What is the difference between an oscilloscope and a digitizer? Should I better use a digitizer or an oscilloscope in my next application? These are interesting questions and the best way to start to answer these is the look up the dictionary definition of an oscilloscope: "An electronic instrument used to measure changing electric voltages. It displays the waveforms of electric oscillations on a screen."

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 Oscilloscope Background

Fast and efficient EMI Debugging with Oscilloscopes

Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope used for EMI debuggingOscilloscopes featuring high sensitivity and dynamic range combined with powerful FFT capabilities are ideal tools for EMI debugging. Electromagnetic interference from electronic circuits and boards can be detected and analyzed with high speed and accuracy.

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