Did you know?

Hewlett-Packard (HP) introduced in 1969 the HP 1200A an all solid-state oscilloscope with 500 MHz bandwidth. Read more...



 Latest Oscilloscope News

How can you verify the bandwidth of your oscilloscope probe? Read more...







 Oscilloscope Basics

10 Tips for selecting an Oscilloscope

tips for oscilloscope selectionThe oscilloscope is one of the most important tools used in the design, repair and maintenance of electronics. Nevertheless the selection of the right type and configuration for your application is not an easy task. We listed some important points to consider.

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 Oscilloscope Background

Precision Phase Noise Measurement Technique - Part 2

AA PhaseNoise2 introIn the first part of this article a simple phase noise measurement technique with a resolution of 10 ps was explained. There are other techniques, which could enhance the performance of the measurement to sub-picoseconds. That is the subject of this article.




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